Create Cultural Connections
Amplify Neighborhood Narratives

Amplify Neighborhood Narratives
Preserve cultural authenticity in Los Angeles.
Since 2003, LA Commons programs have brought together over 1,086 artists and 1,777 youth, along with 29,149 members of the communities in an innovative process of grass roots artistic and cultural discovery.
We believe ...
Ordinary citizens have the power to help to meet the challenges facing our neighborhoods, through our sense of connectedness with place and each other.
Culture is an essential community resource. All communities possess local knowledge and local assets.
Artists have a leadership role to play in community development. Art is a powerful tool, to share stories and create change.
Youth are vital participants in community development processes, their energy, hope and creativity transcends the limitations of the past to envision new futures.
Donate today and enhance connectedness in Los Angeles by amplifying neighborhood narratives through homegrown arts and cultural projects.